Naksha Infra Structural Consultants is a proprietary firm started by Mr KushalDas Patel in the year 2014.
Naksha Infra Structural Consultants has a reputation in providing Detailed Engineering Design Services in the areas related to Civil Infrastructure projects. NISC has conducted field investigations and detailed design for various Institutional Buildings and Industrial Buildings.
Our associates & Team have experience in designing PSC, RCC, Steel industrial sheds and buildings.
Is to grow our multi-disciplinary team in order to offer a broad spectrum of specialist engineering to become our Clients' preferred Professional Service Provider (PSP) choice through excellence and efficiency in all aspects of the project life cycle.
Is to offer excellent service in each of our professional disciplines, in accordance with statutory practices, codes of conduct and integrity, thereby developing our team and providing a leading platform from which to service the built environment and in particular, our valued Clients.
Proprietor of the firm will always be in control of the key functions on a project. NISC has the necessary staff and resources to ensure the best professional service is provided at all times.
HUBLI-580031, KA, IN.